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Prestige Publications
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5 Steps to Get Your Finances in Order for 2020 Thumbnail

5 Steps to Get Your Finances in Order for 2020

You pay your mortgage, go out to eat several times a month, and have a 401(k). Everything is fine, right? Well, it may be, but your money can likely do even more for you. Here are 5 steps to get your finances organized for 2020 — your future self will be grateful.

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The Pink Tax: What It Is and How Women Can Properly Budget for It Thumbnail

The Pink Tax: What It Is and How Women Can Properly Budget for It

Women pay more than $1,350 on average than men due to the pink tax each year. Here's how to budget for it moving forward. Even the cost of long term care can be as much as 70% more than what men will pay for long term care. Having an advisor who can help you navigate the many choices for funding long term care starts with a complimentary consultation.

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